Rules & Regulation
Admission Rules & Regulations
At the commencement of every academic year, as of now, fresh students are admitted into the school in all classes. The candidates for admission are required to bring along with them their mark sheet and TRANSFER CERTIFICATE issued by the previous school attended & PEN NO. except for pre-primary classes. Date of birth once registered will not be altered. Admission will be made on the basis of a competitive test.
The Admission Committee reserves to itself the right to refuse admission to any student without furnishing any reasons.
For withdrawal of a student from the school a calendar months’ notice must be given in writing, otherwise a calendar month’s fee will be charged
The school management, acting through the principal will request the withdrawal of a student who fails for two consecutive years in the same class.
General Admission Policy
Admission is open to students for the classes from pre-primary to VIII.
Registration form is valid for one academic year only. Registration fee is non-refundable.
Sibling’s will be given preference provided a seat is vacant
The student is required to fulfill the age criteria /equivalent grade as mentioned by the admission committee.
Foreign nationals need to submit relevant documents as per Govt. of India rules and regulations
Age-appropriate aptitude test/psychometric tests are administered to identify basic skills of a child in language/maths/science. These tests are administered to help the child and parent and in turn for the school to understand the child’s ability.
Children with special learning needs, abilities and challenges will be evaluated on case to case basis as per the laid standards and practices.
In case of cancellation of admission, admission fee and school fee will not be refunded.
A late fee of 50 INR per 10 days will be applicable, if school fees or any other dues are not paid on time
Admission Procedure
Registration to be completed by paying the Registration fee (non-refundable)
Registration form to be legibly filled and submitted to the school office with all relevant documents.
The schedule of the Aptitude test/Psychometric test to be conducted will be communicated while submitting the Registration form.
Admission will be considered confirmed on receipt of Admission Fee (non-refundable), 1st instalment (non-refundable) and Security Deposit (refundable).
Admission to be confirmed within two weeks. The school has the authority to grant the seat to someone else in case of non-communication and non-receipt of fee and documents within the stipulated time
List of Documents to be submitted at the time of admission
Current school Transfer certificate (original)
Report Card of the previous class (photocopy)
35 mm x 35 mm picture of the student-4 nos
Birth Certificate (photocopy)
Very Important
It will be the personal responsibility of the parent to inform the school in writing,
if the student is undergoing any medical treatment/medical ailment/allergies
etc. at the time of Registration. The school does not administer any kind of
medical treatment/medication.
We look forward for your whole hearted support and cooperation to look after your child in a better manner.
Student Rules & Regulations
BOYS: JUNIOR: Light Brown Shirt, Small Check Brown Short Pant
SENIOR: Check Brown Full Pant, Light Brown Shirt
GIRLS: JUNIOR: Check Brown Skirt, Light Brown Shirt
SENIOR: Salwar & Kameez (VIII onwards)
FOR ALL CLASSES: School Tie, Brown Belt, School Socks & Black Shoes with round Toes.
NOTE: Wednesday & Saturday House Sports T-Shirt, White Pant (for Boys), White Skirt (for Girls)
BOYS: Same with above with addition of Grey Woolen Pant, Brown V-Neck Pullover, Chocolate Brown Blazer with School Monogram.
GIRLS Same as above with addition of Grey Woolen Skirt, Brown V-Neck Pullover, Chocolate Brown Blazer with School Monogram.
KG WINGS: Grey Tracksuit with School Monogram:
NOTE: In addition, above School Tracksuits with white socks and white P.T. Shoes.
1. Parents should send their ward in proper school uniform on all the working days, PTM, School Function & Activities.
2. Hair Style
Boys: Gentleman Cadet cut.
Girls: Neatly tied-up hairstyle.
3. I-Card is compulsory for all students.
(A) Availability of Transport
1. Transport will be available depending on the number of students from any particular area in case school transport is not available, the parents will have to make their own arrangements.
2. Violation of any rule or code of conduct mentioned below may result in fine/debarment of the transport facility of the students.
(B) Route/Bus stop/Bus timing
1. The route is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and is subject to change. No diversion extension will be entertained on existing routes.
2. The drivers are authorized to stop buses at designated stop only, unless otherwise directed by the Bus Incharge.
3. Regarding any change of bus stop, guardian must intimate the Transport incharge, one month in advance.
4. The student should reach the respective bus stop five minutes earlier than the stipulated time.
5. Buses will not wait for any latecomer.
6. Parents will not be allowed to take their ward along with them, without prior intimation to the class Teacher/Transport Incharge. When they visit the school for any purpose.
(C) General Conduct
1.Discarding of trash or food either inside or outside the bus is not permitted.
2. Unruly behaviour like shrieking or shouting is strictly prohibited.
3. Students will be responsible for any damage to buses caused by their negligence or vandalism and will be charged fine accordingly.
4.Courteous behaviour is expected all the time.
1. Students are required to bring their Handbook to school everyday. It must have passport size student photograph and information signed by parents.
2. Students who come to school by their own transport should arrive the school Timing 5 Minute before the students is allowed to come to school.
3. Students are expected to respect the property of others. This includes respect for school property. Student should not damage school furniture, or write or draw anything on walls, furniture or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the Class Teacher or to the Principal.
4. No student should indulge in any of the following practices namely:
- Spitting in or near the school building.
- Disfiguring or otherwise damaging any school property.
- Spitting in or near the school building.
- Smoking.
- Any form of gambling.
- Rowdyism and rude behaviour.
- Use of violence in any form.
- Casteism/Communalism or practice of Untouchability.
- Abusive language.
5. The school is not responsible for loss of goods. The students must not bring valuable articles (like cell phones, pagers, cameras, etc.) to the school.
6. Students must not wear any jewellery in the school (like chains, rings, bangles, bracelets). Girls may wear only one pair of small earrings or studs only.
7. Students who come to school in care of Guardian should never leave before the servant arrives. In case of delay they should report to the school office. Those who go home alone should be prompt in returning straight home.
8. Students are expected to be polite wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet them. Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences.
9. Lending and borrowing of money and other articles is not permitted.
10. Movement between classes: Students in transit between classrooms, library, transport, practical labs, games and work experience locations are expected to walk briskly in a line maintaining absolute silence. Running in corridors is prohibited. Leaving the classroom without permission of teacher is not permitted.
11. Meetings with teachers: If the ward’s progress is unsatisfactory, parents are welcome to contact the Principal and Academic Head, and through them the class teacher or subject teacher concerned to discuss what remedial measures are to be taken. However, appointments formality must be made through the office only. Direct contact with the teacher is forbidden. PTMs are held regularly for this purpose.
Fee Rules & Regulations
1- Fee must be paid at bank or school.
2- Please tender the exact amount of fee in cash to the bank/ school.
3- The fee can be deposited during banking hours, on all working day.
4- Fee can also be submitted through Debit/Credit card.
5-Fee will be received at the bank/school till 1st to 10th of the month only, after this date the late fee Rs. 50/- per 10 days will be charged.
6- If the last day of the fee collection falls on Sunday or Holiday, the fee will be collected on the next working day.
7- School fee once paid, will not be refunded in any case.
8- No students will be allowed to appear for the examination unless she/he has cleared all the dues.
9- If anyone leaves the school during mid-session, Security deposit will not be refund in any case.
10- If fee is not deposited consecutively for two month, your ward’s name will be cut off from the school records and re-admission charges will be applicable.
11. Fee can be deposited through school app. Paytm also.
12. Fee can be deposited online in any of the mentioned bank.